What are the methods of treatment of joints with foil?

What are the methods of treatment of joints with foil

Treatment of joints with foil – one of the alternative methods, which, in the opinion of patients, gives a positive result and helps to cope with the painful symptoms of pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Rolls food foil, many are kept in the kitchen and are used by Housewives in cooking. How is this cooking accessory can help in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and whether you can use it for medical purposes? It turns out that the foil has a number of unique properties that beneficially affect the condition of the patients joints.

Properties of foils

The foil is very thin sheet metal (aluminum, steel, silver, gold ). In fact, it is a metal "paper", but very plastic and flexible, which can be shaped in any form and used for wrapping or packing of the products. In the food and pharmaceutical industry uses aluminum foil, which reflects infrared (heat) radiation. This property has provided the use of foil when cooking in the oven when storing products.

Good to know
Highly reflective foil is applied to medicine, namely to physiotherapeutic treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The method of heat treatment is the application of appliques or wrap with foil to reduce heat transfer and provide deep heat. This property of material is widely used to prevent frostbite.
Properties of foils

But as a normal food metallic sheet can help with joint disease? There is a theory that the therapeutic effect of the foil due to the ability to reflect biotoki out of energy meridians in our body. Any violation, of biologically active points emit signals that are perceived by us as pain.

The foil reflects these biotoki ago, to the same point that is responsible for energy potential of the patient's body. This effect causes the phenomenon of bio-resonance, has a beneficial effect on the cell structure and restores the integrity of the energy field, disturbed sickness.

Due to the protection biotokov and enhanced interaction of matrix fields with the cells of the epidermis, seen an improvement in the affected joints. Disappears pain, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, decreases swelling in the affected area, restores the mobility of the articular joints. By reducing heat transfer aktiviziruyutsya the processes of blood circulation and limfootoka, normal nutrition of the cartilage and muscle tissue, accelerate metabolism, promote functional recovery of the joint.

Treatment foil stimulates regenerative and adaptive processes, activates the immune system, strengthens the body's defenses, allowing it to cope with the pathological process and speed up recovery.

Indications and contraindications

In diseases of the musculoskeletal system to use foil for medicinal purposes is recommended in the following cases:

  • pain management for osteoarthritis, arthritis, gout;
  • help with osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • the treatment of sciatica;
  • treatment of injuries of the joints (sprains, dislocations).

In addition to analgesic, anti-edema and anti-inflammatory action, treatment with foil contribute to the breakdown of excess uric acid and the deposition of salts in the joints, improves mobility of joints and saves your joints from morning stiffness.

Treatments with body wrap, application of compresses, applications of foil have a number of contraindications that must be taken into account. Among them:

  • infection and purulent complications developing in the joint cavity – in this case, heat will only increase the pain, accelerate the development of inflammation and will contribute to the penetration of pus into the surrounding tissue;
  • persistent high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • neoplastic processes;
  • severe pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • damage to the skin in the area of intended effects (wounds, erosions, abrasions);
  • allergic reactions occur when in contact with aluminum foil;
  • the presence of implanted metal implants or stimulants – in case of contact with the foil increases the risk of rejection;
  • dermatological diseases localized manifestations (rash, erosio) in the region of the patient's joint;
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Good to know
In addition, body wrapping foil is unacceptable in severe respiratory failure, and wrap the lower limbs – with thrombophlebitis and diabetes complicated by ischemic foot or polyneuropathy.

How to treat the joints with foil?

When using foil in the medical purposes should follow certain guidelines:

How to treat the joints with foil
  1. for therapeutic procedures, you can only use the food foil is with high aluminum content;
  2. compression and application of the foil can not be kept for a long period of time, duration may not exceed 2 hours a day and 7-8 hours at night;
  3. foil should be applied to the skin shiny (glossy) surface, as a matte side, not blocking the heat;
  4. if the composition of the bags used napkin from gauze impregnated with a drug solution between it and the foil layer, be sure to lay a plastic film, prevents corrosion of metal surface.

Time limit of the procedure related to the fact that the metallic sheet except that does not transmit thermal radiation, and even prevents the flow of oxygen and removal of Homo-fat selections. As a result, under the bandage creates a greenhouse effect, which causes skin irritation and creates an environment ideal for the breeding of pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment of joints with foil on the hands and feet

Foil for pain in the joints is used in the form of wraps problem areas. A thin metallic sheet in good shape, so strips of foil can be wrapped around the patients finger or joint top and secure with adhesive tape. To wrap the affected joint only one layer of foil.

In the treatment of knee joints with foil, it is necessary to overlay several layers, reliably securing the wrap with an elastic bandage or a bandage on his knee. This will allow you to move and do the usual household chores all the time to last treatment. We proceed similarly in the treatment of elbow, ankle or shoulder joint, securing the foil at the time of the procedure a bandage.

If foil is used together with the ointment for joints, first on the affected area apply the medication, then occlude the treated area with plastic wrap and only then applied to the affected joint foil, securing the top with bandage or band-aid.

When the gout affects the small joints of the fingers and toes. For the relief of pain painful it is recommended to wrap each of the patients fingers with foil and secure with adhesive tape. In the treatment of heel spurs rather cut a square of foil and attach it to five with Scotch tape. This application is recommended to leave it on overnight.

In other cases, the bandage foil to keep from 40 minutes to 2 hours, it all depends on the type of disease and severity of symptoms. The procedure of wrapping the joints with foil is recommended in the morning, afternoon and evening. The duration of treatment is 1-3 weeks.

The treatment of the spine

Osteochondrosis doctors advised to do not wrap, and the "silver bridge" foil, which is fixed in the problem area. To make it easy. For the procedure, you need to buy at the pharmacy a broad patch, cut out a piece measuring 10×15 cm and stick on it a narrow strip of foil (width of 0.5 cm -1), so that the shiny surface was on top. The distance between the foil strip should be no more than 1.5 cm For better fixation with the body surface at the edges of the patch leave free areas of the foil width up to 2 cm

In the end, you get kind of bridges of foil. Patch with foil must be secured parallel to the spine in the affected area so that the strips are vertical. To keep the "silver bridge" should not taking up to three days. If necessary, you can increase the duration of the procedure, just changing the band-aid and achieving total disappearance of pain. When changing the bandage the skin area of an application should be wiped with vegetable oil or broth of herbs.

With radiculitis, osteochondrosis lumbosacral sacral region, accompanied by severe back pain, it is recommended to wear a special belt made of 2 layers. The first layer of elastic stretching of the fabric will adhere to the skin, and the second from dense matter, with glued to it with strips of foil to perform the therapeutic function. Wearing a belt is necessary three times a day, for 40 minutes.

In the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease you can fold the foil in several layers (5-6 ) and attach to the neck in that place where pain is expressed most vividly. Top foil cover with a cloth of gauze to secure the bandage and keep at least 30 minutes.

The treatment of the spine

Active energy impact, and hence the effect of this treatment can only be achieved if all the recommendations proper application of applications of foil and compliance with optimal treatment. We should not forget that in this non-traditional technique has certain contraindications. Therefore, before beginning treatment consult a doctor, and how far not at all diseases of the joints, the contact of aluminum foil with the skin and thermal effects will benefit.

About the treatment of the joints with foil

The use of foil in diseases of the joints – it is rather a helper method that along with folk recipes used in combination with drug therapy, physical therapy, massage, physiotherapeutic sessions. However, the feedback from patients who have experienced this method myself to confirm its effectiveness and talk about tangible positive results.