Numbness back

Numbness of the back is the clinical manifestation of the very limited number of pathological conditions. With a slight manifestation is not a problem, however, with regular occurrence and the intensity of this discomfort requires medical attention.

There are several physiological reasons for numbness in the back near the shoulder blades or lower back, but in the vast majority of cases this symptom has a pathological basis.

For a long time the numbness in the back will act as the sole clinical symptom. There will be a proliferation of these unpleasant feelings, the accession of pain and other symptoms.

Find out the root cause of development of this expression can only be achieved using instrumental diagnostic procedures, complemented by manipulation of the initial diagnostic and laboratory studies.

To get rid of such unpleasant sensations are used conservative methods of therapy for elimination of the pathogen may need surgical intervention.


Cause numbness in the back can wide range of factors. It is noteworthy that in both sexes they can be both General and individual.

Common causes include:

  • finding the body in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • prolonged hypothermia of the body;
  • pathology of the spine, connected with the infringement of the nerve endings;
  • posture bending;
  • fractures or injuries to the ribs and spine.

In addition, one or the other has the factor may indicate the localization of the symptom. For example, men and women numbness in the lower back can be triggered by:

  • between the vertebrae hernia;
  • a dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • renal failure;
  • a formation of malignant or benign tumors of the abdominal cavity;
  • a limitation of the sciatic nerve;
  • by stretching the muscles;
  • the development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.

If numbs the back between the shoulder blades, most often it indicates the start of the occurrence:

  • thoracic degenerative disc disease;
  • kyphoscoliosis's;
  • thoracic kyphosis;
  • between the ribs neuralgia – at the same time numb right or left blade;
  • the disease, in which there is inflammation of fabrics, located near large joints;
  • spondylarthrosis's.
Intercostal neuralgia

Between the ribs neuralgia – possible cause of numbness of the back

The female numbness of the skin on the back cause:

  • the period of carrying a child, especially in the later stages – while there is a clear localization of the symptom in the lower back;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • giant paraovarian cyst sizes;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • uterine carcinoma;
  • endometriosis and other gynecological diseases;
  • the course of menstruation.

Predisposing factors of why numb the back is just for men submitted:

  • chronic forms of prostatitis;
  • diseases of the prostate.


As mentioned above, for quite a long period of time, numbness of the back along the entire length of the spine act as the sole clinical symptom. As the progression of a disease will be the manifestation of the most characteristic symptoms.

It should be noted that depending on the localization of numb spins accompanying symptom will be different. For example, in cases of lesions numbness under your left or right paddle will also be felt:

  • acute paroxysmal pain in this place;
  • heaviness in the chest;
  • irradiation of pain in the region of the heart, liver and stomach;
  • violation of respiratory function;
  • to dizziness;
  • shortness of breath on exertion and at rest;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • cramps in the legs;
  • the sharp restriction of movements of hands;
  • swelling and redness of the skin, located above the hearth numbness;
  • paresthesia and aponeurosis.

Numbness in back lower back is complemented by:

  • strong pain in the groin or in the lower extremities;
  • the appearance of "crosses" along the entire length of the spine;
  • feeling that numbness comes from the internal organs;
  • "insensitivity" of the affected area.

All the above characteristics refer to local manifestations, with regard to General symptoms, it will be dictated by the disease causative agent why each patient has an individual character.


If numbs the back in the blades or below, you should first consult a therapist or family doctor. One of these experts will be able to carry out manipulation of primary diagnosis, make a preliminary diagnosis and refer the patient for further examination by clinicians of the narrow branches of medicine.

The first stage of diagnosis is aimed at:

  • the study of the history of the patient;
  • the collection and analysis of life history;
  • a thorough medical complex diagnostic procedures with the obligatory feeling of each area the lumbar area, the area under the blades and of the spinal column;
  • a detailed survey to get a complete symptomatic picture, complementing what the person numbs the back.

Common instrumental and laboratory research aimed at the implementation:

  • General clinical analysis and biochemistry of blood;
  • radiography of the spine;
  • ultrasonography;
  • dopplerography;
  • Ultrasound of the spine;
  • CT and MRI of internal organs and skull.

The procedure ultrasound of the lumbar spine

After that, the patient may be referred to:

  • orthopedist or cardiologist;
  • of the doctor concerning disease of the gastrointestinal tract or the doctor of infections;
  • medical respiratory system or gynecologist;
  • a urologist, or orthopedist;
  • the doctor kidney disease, or proctologist.

Depending on which doctor the patient will be, necessarily will be assigned specific laboratory tests and instrumental examinations.


Numbness in back under left shoulder blade or below the right shoulder blade, lower back or around the spine can be neutralized by using:

  • manual therapy;
  • medical gymnastics;
  • of laser therapy;
  • acupuncture and biopuncture;
  • wearing orthopedic products;
  • conducting anesthetic blockades;
  • therapeutic massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • session electrophoresis;
  • hirudotherapies.

It should be noted that such therapeutic measures will allow to overcome the symptom, not the underlying pathology. Treatment of nervous disease may include:

  • medication prescribed by a doctor;
  • therapy diet;
  • physiotherapy;
  • minimally invasive surgical procedures;
  • open surgery;
  • the use of folk remedies.

Often the treatment is comprehensive and develops on an individual basis for each patient.

Prevention and prognosis

To prevent numbness in the back under the shoulder blades, the lumbar region or the spine, you can use:

  • maintaining a healthy and moderately active lifestyle;
  • to avoid strong cooling of the body;
  • the prevention of fractures and injuries of the back and ribs;
  • proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins and micronutrients;
  • regular passage at least two times a year, complete preventive examination in a medical facility with a magical visit to the above clinicians.

As for the forecast, with the dead behind he very often unfavorable, because such a manifestation is often ignored, and any disease relating to the spine or internal organs is fraught with complications. In this case, among the most dangerous consequences is highlighted invalidism of the person.